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FREE SPEECH? Apple, Facebook, YouTube ban Alex Jones and Infowars

FREE SPEECH? Apple, Facebook, YouTube ban Alex Jones and Infowars

YouTube, Facebook, and Apple iTunes have removed Alex Jones' content from their channels. As much as he hates to say it, Glenn Beck doesn't agree with banning anyone, even Alex Jones, just because you don't like what they have to say.

"If you've listened to me for very long, you know exactly how I feel about Alex Jones. I don't like Alex Jones. I think Alex Jones is a dangerous man," Glenn said on Monday's show. "Yesterday [if] you were looking for Alex Jones, you may have found him, today you're not going to find him, [this is] a celebration in some regard for common decency. However, [this is] a very sad day for freedom of speech."

Watch the clip above to get Glenn's reaction.

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