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Cause of accident that killed 13 people in Texas church bus crash revealed

Cause of accident that killed 13 people in Texas church bus crash revealed

Monday morning on "The Glenn Beck Radio Program," Glenn discussed the horrific church bus accident that claimed the lives of 13 people last week. Reports over the weekend indicated that the driver, 20-year-old Jack Dillon Young, was texting while driving, causing him to veer across the median and strike a minibus from First Baptist Church in New Braunfels, Texas.

A witness, 55-year-old Jody Kuchler, claimed to have followed Young's pickup truck for at least 15 minutes after he noticed the truck swerving erratically. Kuchler said he called two different sheriff's offices to request law enforcement officers take the truck off the road, but no units were dispatched.

Minutes later, Kuchler witnessed the crash and pulled over to render aid at the scene. At this point, Kuchler reports that Young repeatedly expressed remorse and admitted he was texting on his cellphone while driving, leading to his uncontrolled movements.

Reflecting on the fact that Texas is one of only four states that doesn't have a statewide ban on texting while driving, Glenn predicted that this crash will cause a statewide ban to finally be passed and signed into law, replacing the patchwork of city ordinances that currently exists.

While Glenn contended that there's "no reason" not to have a statewide ban and comparing texting while driving to driving under the influence of alcohol, Stu Burguiere argued for the libertarian point of view, which opposes the ban both on philosophical grounds and by citing studies which claim texting bans actually increase the frequency of accidents by forcing drivers who text to keep their phones low and out of sight from police officers rather than holding them up at eye level.

However, Stu allowed that a statewide ban is likely inevitable: "But I mean it's one of those things that's pretty much everywhere anyway. ... And Texas has a full ban, I believe, going through the process of being enacted, and this is certainly going to probably [accelerate] that."

Glenn and Stu then ribbed Pat Gray by wondering how someone can accrue a dozen speeding tickets in just a few years and not have his or her license suspended.

"That's not me, because I've had 15," Pat said. "So, glad you're not talking about me."

"Fifteen tickets, and in Texas he still has his license!" Glenn exclaimed.

To see more from Glenn, visit his channel on TheBlaze and watch "The Glenn Beck Radio Program" live weekdays 9 a.m.–noon ET or anytime on-demand at TheBlaze TV.

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