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BE AFRAID: Is democratic socialism really the future of the DNC?

BE AFRAID: Is democratic socialism really the future of the DNC?

Filling in for Glenn Beck this week, Stu Burguiere discussed the Democratic Party's frightening embrace of democratic socialism and took an in-depth look into Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-Mass.) recently proposed "Accountable Capitalism Act."

Stu touched briefly on Venezuela's economic collapse and resulting humanitarian crisis, then asked, "So how has the Democratic Party reacted to this incredibly public demise of democratic socialism? By making [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] the future of the party."

He noted that Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez wholeheartedly embraced Ocasio-Cortez, calling the democratic socialist "the future of our party."

Stu said that, while the Democratic Party has apparently long-since embraced socialism, there was a time when left-leaning politicians were embarrassed to admit that in public.

He played a rather amusing video clip of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) stammering and becoming completely tongue-tied after accidentally letting the word "socialism" slip.

"Now Elizabeth Warren will occasionally act like she still thinks capitalism is a thing. That's why when she wants to fundamentally transform it, she calls it 'the Accountable Capitalism Act,'' said Stu.

He broke down the main points of Warren's bill, including:

  • Forcing American corporations to obtain a charter from a new government agency that would require board members to consider the interests of all company “stakeholders” — this would include the communities where the firm operates.
  • In large corporations, workers would be able to elect at least 40 percent of board members.
  • Requiring 75 percent of directors and shareholders to approve of political contributions before they are spent.
  • Authorizing the federal government to revoke the charter above for engaging in egregious conduct.

Watch the clip above to hear what Stu had to say on each of these points.

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