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UCLA Jewish student ATTACKED; Biden turns a blind eye
Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times | Getty Images

UCLA Jewish student ATTACKED; Biden turns a blind eye

Amid the violent protests taking over UCLA, a young Jewish woman was surrounded by five people wearing keffiyehs and bludgeoned in the head until she lost consciousness.

Her assailants stomped on her Israeli flag until she was carried away and sent to the ER.

While the video is impossible to ignore, there hasn’t been a word from President Joe Biden about the anti-Semitic attacks taking place on college campuses.

“Joe Biden hasn’t said a damn thing. Others have said, and they’re right, if these weren’t Jews, if they were black Americans or Asian Americans or Hispanic Americans, Joe Biden would have a completely different response,” Mark Levin says, disturbed.

“But not when it comes to Jews,” he continues. “What does that tell you? What it tells you, what I’ve said, but nobody else wants to say: Joe Biden’s an anti-Semite.”

“Why is that so hard to come to grips with? I mean, it’s horrendous, but he is what he is,” Levin adds.

The protests at UCLA have escalated as a countermovement of Israeli-supporting students saying “they have had a hell of enough of this,” Levin explains, noting that the mainstream media is only playing video of the counterprotesters, ignoring the violent videos of the pro-Hamas protesters.

“This is the kind of media we’re getting,” he says. “Spinning tales, trying to influence social media. It’s why I call them out all the time.”

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