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ZERO chance the media will air THIS clip from NYC ...

ZERO chance the media will air THIS clip from NYC ...

New York City used to be the land of Lady Liberty, Broadway, and the beloved place "Home Alone" was filmed.

But now?

Now NYC is a land overrun with illegal immigrants. Perhaps we should have added a clarifying clause after the famous lines “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Maybe something like “but do so legally” might have been a beneficial addition.

That’s certainly what New Yorkers are crying these days. Their city is literally being drowned in illegal immigrants. The problem is so bad that NYC children are being kicked out of their schools to make room for the influx of immigrants.

Fox News recently interviewed some enraged New Yorkers storming the streets. One particular man had some choice words for the people who made New York a “sanctuary state.”

“What do you think about what the mayor's doing? And what should the president and the White House be doing?” asked the reporter.

“This is up to us; this is up to each and every one of us to stand up,” says the resident, demonstrating a clear understanding that no one should place their hopes in the current powers that be.

“Nobody’s coming here for us,” he shouts. “We’re here for ourselves … they’re coming and destroying it.”

“The reason why they’re here is to steal our votes!” he booms into the camera.

“I have no doubt the machine is gonna probably come after him … and someone will try to get him fired from his job,” says Dave Rubin, who admires the man’s courage to speak the truth.

“When he says no one is coming to help them, he’s damn well right,” says Dave. Help “has to come from the federal government” in the form of “stopping these people coming in the first place, but New York city is in an absolute free fall.”

Watch the clip below.

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