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WATCH: Tucker Carlson has an unexpected reaction to Trump’s VP pick
Jason Koerner/Getty Images
ANGELA WEISS/AFP via Getty Images

WATCH: Tucker Carlson has an unexpected reaction to Trump’s VP pick

After months of waiting and speculation, Trump has finally chosen his running mate – Ohio Sen. JD Vance.

To be expected, the reaction to Trump’s VP choice has been mixed, but Dave Rubin finds Tucker Carlson’s reaction to be especially “interesting.”

Tucker Carlson Has an Unexpected Reaction to Trump’s VP Pickyoutu.be

In a speech, Carlson said, “JD Vance is the VP pick, and I think every person who pays close attention has got to be thrilled by that.”

Instead of cataloging Vance’s qualifications and positive attributes, Carlson opted to take a different route: “Every bad person I've ever met in a lifetime in Washington was aligned against JD Vance.”

“Every single one of those people in a line that would extend from Milwaukee to Chicago was lined up over the last week to knife JD Vance, not on personal grounds ... but [because] they thought he would be harder to manipulate and slightly less enthusiastic about killing people ... that he would be an impediment to their exercising power,” Carlson continued.

“What Tucker's really talking about there is there's kind of the deep state people that want to keep us in perpetual war, and those are the ones that don't like [Trump’s VP pick],” says Dave.

To see more of Carlson’s speech, watch the clip above.

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