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RFK Jr. REVEALS what his first executive order will be — and the crowd goes CRAZY

RFK Jr. REVEALS what his first executive order will be — and the crowd goes CRAZY

In an exclusive town hall with Fox News, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said something that made the audience erupt into feverish applause.

The host, Sean Hannity, mentioned that “none of these big tech companies allowed anybody to read the laptop story in the weeks leading up to [the 2020] election,” which he thinks “is our government, in this case through the FBI, putting cinder blocks on a scale of an election.”

“Is that something you would stop?” he asks RFK, who responds with: “Yeah, I would stop that; in fact, I’m going to issue an executive order the moment I get into the White House, the first day … ending the weaponization of our agencies for political purposes.”

He can’t even finish his statement before the audience starts cheering.

Clearly people are sick of the flagrant censorship.

Rubin is encouraged by this “new coalition,” he calls it, that’s attempting to “[end] the machine and the agencies and their collusion with Big Tech and their assault ... on all of our foundational documents and our right to live as we see fit.”

Watch the full clip below.

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