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Quiet part out loud? Activist admits goal of violent protests in fiery pro-revolution speech
Spencer Platt / Getty Images

Quiet part out loud? Activist admits goal of violent protests in fiery pro-revolution speech

At the People’s Conference for Palestine, Roua Daas, PhD candidate at Penn State, spoke openly about how college protests are being used to train students for violent revolution.

“We have worked to agitate our campuses and to illuminate these forces, but what we have learned in this moment, what has been reaffirmed in this moment, is that we cannot be isolated to campuses,” Daas began, adding that other students and the general public are being “encouraged to question or outright turn against the state.”

“Students have brought the war home. Students have also used mass demonstrations and disruptions on public property to capture public attention and then force the state and police to repress us in full public view,” she continued.

“Students feel the revolution. They feel it in their blood, they feel it in their soul, they feel it in their heart, and ultimately, that is what drives us.”

“So, what students have learned in this moment is how to exist on their campuses in disruptive ways. How to build revolutionary power, and how to utilize leverage points, which force universities to meet their demands,” Daas finished.

Dave Rubin is shocked by how blatantly she laid out their goals.

“It’s all scripted, it’s all trained, it’s well-funded, all of those things,” Rubin says.

“They have breeded a generation of young girls like this. Do you think that girl wants to usher in an America that you want to live in 10 years from now? No. She’s saying she wants revolution right now, she wants American imperialism to end and a revolution to happen right here,” he continues.

“And guess what guys, there are very few revolutions that aren’t bloody.”

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