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'Fresh&Fit' hosts crack up as Dave Rubin explains woke takeover in One meme

'Fresh&Fit' hosts crack up as Dave Rubin explains woke takeover in One meme

The Overton Window has shifted drastically.

“If you are a moderate centrist of 10 years ago, they will now frame you as a crazy, right-wing maniac,” Dave Rubin of "The Rubin Report" explains.

Rubin recently went on the "Fresh&Fit" podcast where he spoke about his political evolution and explained this Overton-Window shift — via a meme — to the young podcasters.

The meme shows three different spectrums, one in 2008, one in 2012, and one in 2021. Each spectrum has three stick figures standing separately — at left, center, and right.

While the right wing conservatives have stayed standing in the same spot from 2008 to 2021, the left wing has moved farther and farther left. In 2021, they’re about as far away from the right as they can be.

“Now, the liberal is now known as a woke progressive and everyone else is a bigot,” Rubin explains, adding that the man in the center “has now in essence been shifted right and the conservatives going ‘LOL, you see I wasn’t so bad after all.’”

Myron Gaines and Walter Weekes, hosts of "Fresh&Fit," more than agreed.

“This is a perfect illustration, honestly, of what it is. Because I’ve always said it, like a lot of people haven’t changed their views. It’s just that the left becomes more and more and more radical,” Gaines says.

“They have no, sort of, off-ramp, you know? At every moment where the left could go, ‘All right, maybe we should just ease up,’” Rubin responds, continuing, “Donald Trump gets elected, you might go, ‘Boy, maybe there’s something going on here we should talk about. Maybe there’s something wrong with what we’re doing.’”

“‘You know, orange Hitler is in charge,’” Rubin adds, mocking the left.

Rather than having a discussion in order to understand why this man was elected president, “they get more hysterical,” he adds.
“But the reason they do is because it’s all based on emotion.”

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