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Don Lemon gets called out hard for still shilling for vaccines and COVID regulations
Shahar Azran / Getty Images

Don Lemon gets called out hard for still shilling for vaccines and COVID regulations

Don Lemon has stayed true to his colors and is still shilling for the media and the government — despite losing his coveted gig on CNN.

He made this clear in an interview on "The Full Send Podcast," where the Nelk boys confronted him with some basic facts about the government’s disastrous COVID policies.

“There’s a certain set of people that no matter what evidence is put in front of them as it pertains to COVID or as it pertains to the border or the economy or anything else — they will still run defense for the system,” Dave Rubin of "The Rubin Report" explains, before showing the embarrassing clip.

One of the Nelk boys accused Lemon of being like Cuomo, very pro- “take the thing, do it,” about vaccines.

“This whole argument about vaccines is a little weird to me because I think people are Monday-morning quarterbacking the idea of vaccines,” Lemon responded sheepishly, adding he thought that “instead of being selfish” people should have been “doing what was best for our fellow man.”

“So, I think that the people who are questioning the use of masks, even in the moment, were being a bit selfish,” Lemon said, before repeating the commonly heard line that “there was no medical evidence that ivermectin could help save people from getting COVID, or prevent them from getting COVID, or had any effect on the COVID-19 vaccine.”

“I believe in medicine, I believe in science, and I believe that my government is looking out for me and trying to do the best for me,” Lemon continued.

“Shouldn’t other people have the right to not take the vaccine and not forced to put something in their body that they didn’t want?” the other Nelk boy asks, adding, “It seemed at the time like media was really shaming people if you didn’t get a vaccine, like it’s your fault.”

“Well, I don’t know if the media was shaming people,” Lemon responded. “If you don’t get the vaccine, then don’t get the vaccine, but don’t expect to be able to do and go places,” he continued before being cut off.

“Like make a living, right?” one of the boys asked.

“I’ve watched that clip a couple of times, and it gets worse each time. I mean, he is on his knees blowing a system that literally fired him,” Rubin comments, shocked.

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