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Bill Maher EXPOSES 'The View’s' Ana Navarro’s hypocrisy on anti-Israel protests
Randy Holmes via Getty Images

Bill Maher EXPOSES 'The View’s' Ana Navarro’s hypocrisy on anti-Israel protests

In a recent discussion on Bill Maher’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” one guest, Joel Stein, made an interesting observation regarding recent pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses.

“They know what they’re doing, and they know what they’re saying, and we think it's cute because they don’t look threatening,” Stein said, adding, “but they have way more power than the people in Charlottesville.”

“That’s because it’s coming from the left. Everything is team sports now,” Bill Maher replied. “The people in Charlottesville who were chanting ‘Jews will not replace us,’ I mean that’s bad. It’s not as bad as death. That’s not deplorable?”

“It’s absolutely deplorable,” Ana Navarro shot back defensively.

“If I was a Holocaust survivor, and I guess there’s not many of those left, but if I was, I would choose ‘Jews will not replace us’ over ‘death to Zionists,’” Maher continued.

Navarro then went on to claim that no one is saying that slogans the college protesters are regurgitating regarding Jews is okay.

“Who’s excusing them?” she asked.

“The left,” Stein said definitively.

“There’s no condemnation like there was after Charlottesville,” Maher added.

As a Jew himself, Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” grew up around many Holocaust survivors — and he, of course, agrees with Stein and Maher.

“I think they would choose ‘Jews will not replace us’ over ‘Death to all Zionists,’” Rubin says.

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