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There was something DANGEROUS in Biden’s Speech — and Jen Psaki loved it
William B. Plowman/NBC via Getty Images

There was something DANGEROUS in Biden’s Speech — and Jen Psaki loved it

After dropping out of the 2024 presidential election on Sunday, President Joe Biden has finally addressed the nation from the Oval Office.

During his address, the president made it clear that he is ready to launch radical reforms of the Supreme Court with his remaining time in office.

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki is thrilled.

“The other thing that struck me, and I circled it, when he talked about reforming the Supreme Court,” Psaki said on a panel. “All you all know this is not a phrase that would have come out of the mouth of President Joe Biden even while he’s been President Joe Biden.”

“It was a reminder, I think, that leadership is about being consistent and people knowing what to expect from you. It’s about being open to evolving,” Psaki added.

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” has heard enough.

“They’re saying the quiet part out loud,” Rubin comments to David Sacks. “Joe Biden himself, if his brain was still in his head, would never be for expanding the Supreme Court. But he’s handing the reins away, and she’s basically saying that’s exactly what Kamala is going to do.”

Sacks notes that Elizabeth Warren and others like her have been “openly tweeting that they want to pack the Supreme Court.”

“They’re saying that’s a good idea. It’s transparent,” Sacks says. “Packing the Supreme Court, first of all, would destroy the Supreme Court.”

“It’s one of the last functioning institutions in our democracy, and they want to undermine and destroy it,” he adds.

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