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Posh private school director complains 'horrible' rich white students are 'protected by capitalism'
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Posh private school director complains 'horrible' rich white students are 'protected by capitalism'

How is she missing the irony?

On a recent episode of "The News & Why It Matters," BlazeTV host Sara Gonzales and guests discuss Project Veritas' latest undercover video, which shows Jennifer “Ginn” Norris, director of student activities at the private Trinity School in New York City, allegedly admitting that she pushes a hidden liberal "agenda" into the classroom and ripping into "white boy" students who dare to express "opposite opinions."

"Unfortunately, it’s the white boys who feel very entitled to express their opposite opinions and just push back. There’s a huge contingent of them that are just horrible. And you’re like, ‘Are you always going to be horrible or are you just going to be horrible right now?’" Norris said in the Project Veritas video.

"I think they need to go," she added. "I think they’re really awful people. That's kind of what I'm afraid of with my white students that are rich. I'm like, 'Do you ever have to deal with this?' They're so protected by capitalism. It makes me sad.”

Norris goes on to joke about how "we need some vigilante Dexters" to take "people out," referring to the hit Showtime crime series about a vigilante serial killer called "Dexter."

So, here we have a white woman who is employed by a private school that charges at least $58,385 per year for kindergarten (and up) to direct "student activities" (whatever that entails), and she thinks "white students that are rich" (especially the boys) are so "horrible" they should be hunted down by a serial killer but, sadly, they are protected by bad, evil "capitalism."

"Everyone benefits from capitalism, that's kind of the point," Sara noted. "Like, you are as well sweetheart."

Watch the video below to catch more of the conversation, or find more episodes of "The News & Why It Matters" here. Can't watch? Download the podcast here.

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