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President Biden's CANDID admission about abortion: A surprising twist in the debate

President Biden's CANDID admission about abortion: A surprising twist in the debate

President Biden, who has championed a woman's right to choose throughout his presidency, seems to have just done a complete 180.
During a speech in Maryland, Biden revealed that he does not personally support abortion and is especially uncomfortable with them taking place late in a pregnancy.

The president began his rant saying, “I happen to be a practicing Catholic. I’m not big on abortion.” However, he didn’t skip a beat before championing Roe v. Wade, claiming the initial ruling pleased “a vast majority of religions.”

Then, in classic Biden fashion, he began to make less and less sense: “Historically, the first three months or thereabouts, in all major religions, was: That’s between a woman and her doctor. The next three months is between — I mean, just a woman and her family. Next three months is between a woman and her doctor. The last three months have to be negotiated, because you can’t — unless you are in a position where your physical health is at stake — you can’t do it.”

Sara Gonzales is shocked, saying this was “in complete contrast to earlier this week when he promised that he would veto any bill that came to his desk that would outlaw abortion.”

“I did not know you to not be big on abortion,” Gonzales says, laughing, “and apparently all what — the vast majority of religions have reached agreement that it’s between a woman and her doctor.”
Pat Gray, is surprised as well — but not surprised by the disorienting rashness of Biden’s statement.

“I love it when he pulls these facts right out of his rectal cavity, because that — that’s nonsense, and everybody knows it.”

“I don’t know any major religion that says abortion for the first three months, that’s between a woman and her doctor,” Gray continues, “that’s garbage. That’s a complete lie.”

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