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Introducing GENDER MINOTAURS – the next ridiculous thing a child can identify as (and it's backed by doctors)

Introducing GENDER MINOTAURS – the next ridiculous thing a child can identify as (and it's backed by doctors)

Just a few years ago, most people trusted the medical experts in this country, but today…not so much.

And is it any wonder why?

Many of these “experts” are suddenly making claims about gender that defy the scientific facts that have long formed the foundation of the medical industry.

Dr. Diane Ehrensaft, the chief psychologist and director of mental health at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital's Gender Development Center in California, “claims that children can identify as gender minotaurs, among other terms,” reports Sara Gonzales.

If you’re sitting there wondering what in the world a “gender minotaur” is, then you’re in good company.

According to these “experts,” a gender minotaur is “a descriptor for the children who explain that they are one gender on the top and another on the bottom; this usually is to account for genitals at odds with the gender they know themselves to be.”

But wait, there’s more!

Children can also identify as a “gender prius,” which means “you’re half girl and half boy.”

This term specifically was coined by a young child who claimed he looked like a boy from the front and a girl from the back. Gotta love when we put medical terminology in the hands of an 8-year-old.

Dr. Diane Ehrensaft claims there’s a cure for gender dysphoria. But don’t get your hopes up.

“Gender may be the cure, rather than the disease,” she says, adding that “it is the responsibility of health professionals to cure the disease by getting involved in the community to ensure gender health for all.”

If that wasn’t absurd enough, buckle up, because it gets worse – way worse.

Ehrensaft also claims that she can tell when babies are transgender because they send messages to their caretakers about who they really are inside.

“I have a colleague who’s transgender,” she says. “He was assigned female at birth,” and “there's a video of him as a toddler tearing barrettes out of then her hair and throwing them on the ground and sobbing – that's a gender message!”

Or … toddlers are temperamental and often object to things like hair clips, hats, sunscreen, socks, and pretty much anything else under the sun. AND toddlers don't have the cognitive development to even comprehend that a hair clip is typically an accessory for girls, but whatever.

“Like we should institutionalize her,” says Sara, who can’t help but drop a couple expletives out of sheer rage.

“When your 2-year-old wants to eat the dog food and you tell them no … what social issue can we get out of that?” asks Jason Buttrill.

That’s easy. Obviously your kid is a dog inside.

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