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Should Israel occupy Gaza after it destroys Hamas?
Sameh Rahmi/NurPhoto | Getty Images

Should Israel occupy Gaza after it destroys Hamas?

Despite rumors that a cease-fire has been agreed upon, Israel has continued its attack on Gaza with no plan to stop.

Many are disturbed by this and are calling for Israel to pull back to minimize civilian casualties. One of those people is our very own president.

Biden told “60 Minutes” that Israel occupying Gaza after it has destroyed Hamas would be “a big mistake.”

“Hamas and the extreme elements of Hamas don’t represent all the Palestinian people,” he said.

“I don’t think it’s a mistake,” says Glenn Beck in response. “I wouldn't live there, but I think Israel should park their car there ... be done with this experiment.”

“Hamas and the Palestinians ... is a sham,” he continues. “Now, that doesn’t mean there aren’t good Palestinians ... but that’s not what this movement is about nor has it ever been about; Palestinian people have been used over and over again by people who just want to kill Jews,” which has been the case “from the very beginning.”

“You, I’m sorry, have got to treat the Palestinians that live in Gaza and are in the Middle East ... the way we treated all Germans” during WWII because even though “all Germans weren't bad, but those Germans voted Hitler in and fought for Hitler,” says Glenn.

The truth is, the Palestinian people “voted Hamas in.”

“They can't be part of this country anymore,” agrees Stu. “It makes absolutely no sense for Israel to have ... an oasis for Hamas in the middle of their country.”

Further, according to the last opinion poll Glenn saw, “97% or 93% of Palestinians agreed with killing the Jews using terror ... cutting people's heads off, killing civilians, [and] kidnapping children.”

It’s because “these people have been indoctrinated,” says Stu, adding that “the children from these regions ... have been taught [that killing Jews is acceptable] from birth.”

“At some point the Palestinian people need to stand up and say, ‘We don't think it's right killing Jews anymore,’” says Glenn, “and unfortunately, history has shown us the only way that happens is to bomb the snot out of people.”

Although Israel has offered Palestinians peace “over and over and over again,” they “are not interested,” explains Glenn. Every time they’ve been “offered a two-state solution, they turn it down. Why? Because it’s about killing the Jews.”

“And by the way, if anybody is feeling badly, I understand that,” he continues. “I don't want to kill innocent women and children either, [but] Israel has a right to defend itself.”

They are, however, giving civilians a chance to evacuate by “dropping flyers from the sky” that say something to the effect of “please leave this area, please evacuate, we're coming in the next 24 hours.”

“We did that in Japan,” says Glenn, which would “make us and Israel the only ones that warn people: please leave — our war is not against you; it's against your leadership.”

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