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PARENTAL ADVISORY: What just passed in California is coming for all kids across the nation

PARENTAL ADVISORY: What just passed in California is coming for all kids across the nation

One of the last things any parents want to do is fight a power-hungry government in order to raise their kids with their own family’s values and morals.

But now, that’s exactly what parents are being forced to do.

Especially in California, where an alarming new law aims to force parents to affirm their child’s gender dysphoria — or else.

Glenn Beck is obviously not pleased and wants Americans to consider: “Who gets to raise your children?”

Because while it shouldn’t be the government, officials sure are trying to change that.

“It’s an emergency, and you have to be aware of the emergency. Because, well, it’s happening in California. Maybe not in your state yet, but it will be soon,” he adds.

Glenn is referring to the law that has just passed in California that will require judges in child custody cases to consider whether parents support their child’s gender transition in order to determine the “health, safety, and welfare of the child.”

The law passed along strictly party lines, 57-16 in the State Assembly and 30-9 in the state Senate.

Under the law, parents who fail to acknowledge and support their child's gender transition could lose custody rights to another parent or even the state itself.

California State Assembly member Lori Wilson, who originally introduced the bill, explained why the law is important. “What’s mentioned in the law is the child’s gender identity and expression and the parents affirmation of that, whatever it is, because that is our duty as parents: to affirm our children.”

“That’s the dumbest parents advice you’ll ever hear,” Glenn responds.

“According to Lori Wilson and the state of California, you have to affirm the most permanent, completely life-altering thing a kid can possibly do to themselves.”

“This new law should alarm and disgust everyone in America, for the way it will let the state override the private family life and parenting decisions,” he adds.

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