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Iran, Israel, China: How close are we really to WWIII?

Iran, Israel, China: How close are we really to WWIII?

How close are we to World War III?

Glenn Beck and his head writer and researcher, Jason Buttrill, believe that as tensions continue to rise, it’s unfortunately not far off — especially considering the U.S. military has just conducted airstrikes on two facilities in eastern Syria this past Thursday in response to ongoing attacks against the American military in Iraq and Syria. The pair of F-16s targeted a weapons depot and an ammo storage area.

Buttrill believes this is all part of a bigger plan.

“All of these fronts converge. That’s been their plan since the beginning: multi-front war on Israel,” he tells Glenn.

“The reason the ground invasion has not happened yet is because they are waiting on American assets to get in-theater.”

Glenn notes that all of the countries currently engaged in what’s shaping up to look like World War III currently have weak governments.

“The Biden administration is weak,” he tells Buttrill. “The citizens are in disarray and not necessarily all behind the president.”

The same goes for Netanyahu in Israel, as well as the leaders of Iran, Russia, Ukraine, and Syria.

“All of these countries that are engaged in this, they have weak governments right now. Is that a coincidence?” he asks.

Buttrill doesn’t think so and is also concerned that not only is our citizenry split on our president, but our president has set us about 12 months behind on ordering ammunition in order to keep replenishing Ukraine's.

“The Biden administration needs to, today, declare the Ukraine war, Ukraine-Russia war, over,” he says.

However, they’ll likely just continue to fund what Buttrill calls a “forever war.”

In addition, Hamas leaders were in Moscow this week meeting with high authorities. Moscow has formed an alliance with Iran.

“The days of a lone global superpower are over,” Buttrill says. “It’s showing the world what it’s going to look like in the very near future. Sides are getting split. Countries are choosing who they want to align with.”

Once China starts making moves against Taiwan, that’s when the splits are going to become increasingly obvious.

“I will get, you know, a little bit more, I guess, nervous once that happens. When China starts making moves directly, you know, against Taiwan instead of using asymmetrical warfare,” he tells Glenn.

“I think that will be one of the final dominoes to fall,” he adds.

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