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11 plans global elites have for YOUR FUTURE

11 plans global elites have for YOUR FUTURE

The global elites and left-wing media have done their best to paint everything they’re planning as a “conspiracy theory.”

However, many of us aren’t gullible enough to believe it.

Glenn Beck is one of those people, and he argues that those “conspiracy theories” are actually “conspiracy FACTS.”

Doug Casey is another man who knows the truth, and Glenn reads one of his articles, titled “11 Assumptions About The Future.” The article can be used to guide our actions moving forward, and it lines up perfectly with the warnings Glenn gave in his latest book, “Dark Future.”

Casey’s first assumption is that there will be “less freedom of movement.”

The global elites will attempt to restrict and regulate our ability to move. Whether through vax passports, increased visa requirements, or 15-minute city initiatives, there will be restrictions that we all need to prepare for.

His second assumption is that there is a central bank digital currency on its way. Casey believes that “cash will be eliminated” and that “major economies are working to be ready to deploy [the CBDC] by 2025.”

Third, the “digital ID is already here.” He writes that “[b]iometrics are the future,” and if you have a government-issued ID associated with your photograph, you’re in the system already.

Number four is “the Greater Depression,” about which Casey cites Simon Hunt. “Hunt suggests a market pullback of up to 30% between now and early 2024 followed by a pump and a deflationary wipeout in 2025.”

His fifth assumption is that most “financial assets will disappear at some point.” Whether because of inflation, bank bail-in, market wipeout, or "the great taking," Casey believes “physical assets are where I need to be, ultimately.”

“Increasing crime and disorder” is his sixth assumption. The increase in crime will “lead to greater physical threats to our lives and property from our fellow man.” Casey warns that avoiding urban environments is likely a safer bet.

Seventh is that “supply constraints are increasing around all commodities,” and globally, people will have a much harder time affording everything from food to energy.

His eighth assumption is that “WWIII is coming” and may have already begun, while his ninth assumption is that “censorship and digital control will enter a new phase” that includes “debanking.”

Casey’s 10th assumption is that the “U.S. election – regardless of the outcome – is an inflection point and potentially a flash point,” and he’s not even sure there will be a 2024 election.

Last and unfortunately not least, “There is a war happening today” and “it’s a war on us.” Casey writes, “If/When we see a move toward kinetic force, we should be alarmed because we will have entered a new and more dangerous phase.”

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