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As Trump's polling lead continues, the left's case of 'Biden-copium' grows and grows
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As Trump's polling lead continues, the left's case of 'Biden-copium' grows and grows

Despite Joe Biden’s horrific stance in the polls, constant stream of senile gaffes, and inability to address any emergency — let alone the American people, properly — the left still goes to bat for him.

Host of "Stu Does America," Stu Burguiere, calls it the left's “Biden-copium,” and a recent New York Times op-ed by Ezra Klein illustrates his phrase perfectly.

The article details a series of different liberal theories as to why Joe Biden is losing and what he should do about it. While Klein is a liberal himself, Stu finds himself agreeing with his opinions on these liberal theories.

Theory number one is that “the polls are wrong,” which Klein says is wrong not because polls aren’t wrong but because they’re biased.

“To the extent polls have been wrong in recent presidential elections, they’ve been wrong because they’ve been biased toward Democrats. Trump ran stronger in 2016 and 2020 than polls predicted. Sure, the polls could be wrong. But that could mean Trump is stronger, not weaker, than he looks,” Klein writes.

“This is totally accurate,” Stu comments. “The polls have been, generally speaking, relatively accurate, and I say those words specifically because what they are not is accurate. They are never accurate. They’re not accurate because they aren’t designed to tell us exactly what we want to know.”

Stu doesn’t find the next theory agreeable at all — which is essentially that the media is being too kind to Donald Trump.

“I don’t think it’s the mainstream media’s fault if you’re worried about Joe Biden winning. They’re doing everything they can to make this happen. The question really is: Will it be enough right now?” Stu says.

Stu believes the most “idiotic of all” of the theories is theory number three: “It’s a bad time to be an incumbent.”

“Polls are not showing an anti-incumbent mood. They’re showing an anti-Biden mood,” Klein writes.

“Yeah, look. The incumbency is your most powerful weapon. The only reason this is close at all is because Joe Biden is an incumbent,” Stu says.

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