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Jussie Smollet 2.0: Democrat candidate arrested for targeting himself in fake hate crime

Jussie Smollet 2.0: Democrat candidate arrested for targeting himself in fake hate crime

A former Biden White House appointee and current Democratic candidate for county commissioner in Fort Bend County, Texas, has just pulled a Jussie Smollet.

Taral Patel was arrested for online impersonation last week after allegedly creating a fake social media account to post racist comments about himself. Patel aimed to garner sympathy and discredit his opponent.

“They have to make up the hate crimes because they don’t exist,” Sara Gonzales comments, annoyed. “Gee, I wonder who’s going to win,” she scoffs.

Patel had created a lengthy Facebook post in September in which he painted himself and his family as victims of a vicious, race-based smear campaign perpetrated by his opponent’s supporters, complete with made-up messages.

In the messages, Patel called himself “monkey” and “subhuman” and attacked his own Hindu faith.

“I would like Mr. Patel to know that this is MAGA country,” Blaze Media digital strategist Logan Hall laughs, referencing Jussie Smollet’s faux hate crime from years past.

“Right, like did you not learn from Jussie?” Gonzales asks.

“Their number one card is identity politics, and it does remain the undefeated champion. I mean, apparently, the greatest sin in America is if someone is known or says something racist,” Hall explains.

“If someone utters a naughty word that is on the wrong side of the political spectrum, it is a national scandal,” he adds.

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