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Vivek Ramaswamy: Can a Non-Christian champion Christian values?

Vivek Ramaswamy: Can a Non-Christian champion Christian values?

Vivek Ramaswamy is an American entrepreneur who has recently risen to the world stage as a candidate in the 2024 Republican Party presidential primaries.

While he’s not a Christian, he seems to share a lot of the same values — and Allie Beth Stuckey is curious to know more.

“You are not a Christian, and yet you share a lot of the same principles that we do,” Stuckey says to Ramaswamy. “Where does that come from?”

“Where equality comes from, for that matter, it didn’t start in some piece of paper — it starts because we’re equal in the eyes of God. We’re equal in the eyes of each other because of that,” Ramaswamy says.

While Ramaswamy did attend a Catholic high school, he says his values really were strengthened at home.

“The real answer is the family I was raised in raised me in a tradition that, it so happens, shares those same values. Including overlapping with the same Christian values that this nation is founded on.”

Ramaswamy says these values are “duty, sacrifice, truth, being grounded in the love of the family,” and “a belief that we are equal.”

He admits that while he isn’t qualified to be a pastor, he does feel his value system qualifies him to lead the country as commander in chief.

“I’m also in a position as a young person, as a Millennial, as a first-generation American, and yes, as somebody who’s Hindu, not Christian, to stand staunchly for religious liberty in this country. To stand staunchly and unapologetically for the values that this country was founded on,” he adds.

Ramaswamy is also “unapologetically pro-life.”

“I believe that life begins at conception and that unborn life is life.”

“We all share the same pro-life instincts, nearly all of us do; we’ve just turned it into this artificial men’s versus women’s rights issue, when in fact, it is a human rights issue,” he adds.

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