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Megachurch pastor confesses to ‘inappropriate sexual behavior’ with a MINOR

Megachurch pastor confesses to ‘inappropriate sexual behavior’ with a MINOR

Megachurch Pastor Robert Morris has stepped down from his position at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, after a horrific confession.

In his own words, Morris admitted to engaging in “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady.”

However, that “young lady” was only 12 years old at the time. The accuser, Cindy Clemishire, revealed in a post on the church watchdog site the Wartburg Watch what Morris had done to her in 1982.

Clemishire is now 54.

“I want you to pay close attention to what he said, that he has confessed to ‘inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady.’ So, that implies that this was some kind of consensual interaction with a woman, but that’s not what went on,” Allie Beth Stuckey says, disturbed.

Morris also claimed that he had stepped down from his prior position in 1987 for a time of counseling and was forgiven before being restored to the ministry.

According to Clemishire, the first time she was assaulted by Morris was when he was 21 years old and a married traveling evangelist with a young son. The abuse lasted over four years.

Morris — who had befriended her family — had allegedly asked her to lie down on her back one night, before he proceeded to touch her inappropriately. The sexual misconduct had escalated to digital rape over the years, before he attempted to have sex with her on multiple occasions.

Clemishire had originally attempted to sue Morris in 2005, when Pastor Morris’ attorney implied that it was her fault for being “flirtatious.” They then offered her $25,000 if she signed a nondisclosure agreement, but she refused.

“He may have turned away from that and may have never done that again, maybe,” Stuckey says. "That would be extremely unique when it comes to these stories of pedophilic molestation. Like that would be extremely, extremely, unique.”

“I hope that is true. I hope that there are no other victims. It may be true that he turned around after that from that sin and he never committed that sin again, please God I hope that is true,” she continues, adding, “However, real repentance in this case would have included justice under the law.”

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