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WATCH: Epstein Island survivor says she met Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and other celebs

WATCH: Epstein Island survivor says she met Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and other celebs

When Juliette Bryant was 20 years old, she was approached by Naja Hill, one of Jeffery Epstein’s associates, at a Cape Town bar where she was hanging out with a friend. It wasn’t long before Bryant was invited to meet Hill’s billionaire boss and former president Bill Clinton.

That was the beginning of what would turn into a years-long nightmare for Bryant.

Today, she meets with Alex Stein to share some harrowing details of her story.

“[Naja Hill] approached me and she said that her friend was here, he was the king of America, and he was here with his friend Bill Clinton, and he owned his own island in the Caribbean, and his friend owned Victoria Secret, and would I like to meet him,” Bryant recounts, noting that she initially thought it was “the most amazing opportunity.”

“So, I went to the restaurant where they were, and it was Epstein, Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and about three or four other people ... and they all stood up while they were having dinner and shook my hand,” she continues. “Bill Clinton actually held on to my hand for a very long time; it was very weird.”

The next day, Bryant was invited to meet Epstein again to discuss modeling opportunities.

“They looked at my modeling portfolio ... and Bill Clinton walked past and witnessed the whole modeling casting, and then Epstein looked at my modeling portfolio and said he thought I'd be perfect for Victoria's Secret and he wanted to bring me over,” she tells Alex.

Just three weeks later, after being given a green card, Bryant arrived in New York.

But she didn’t stay in New York exclusively.

“I was taken to all the properties, actually,” she says, including Epstein’s mysterious Zorro Ranch in New Mexico where she claims she met Michael Bay, one of Hollywood’s biggest movie producers.

“Did you ever interact with the queen’s son, Prince Andrew?” Alex asks.

“No, I never met him, but ... Epstein and Maxwell used to speak about their friend Andy,” she says.

“Did [Bill Clinton] sleep with any victims that you know of?”

“I didn't see him doing that, but I'm sure he'd be more clever about it and not let people see it” is Bryant’s answer.

To hear Bryant’s response to a clip of Kevin Spacey telling Piers Morgan that he didn’t really know Jeffery Epstein, never asked anything of Jeffery Epstein, and didn’t want to be around Jeffery Epstein, watch the clip below.

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