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Trump rally in the Bronx a massive ‘wake-up call’ for Biden
Jim WATSON / Getty Images

Trump rally in the Bronx a massive ‘wake-up call’ for Biden

The Bronx might be a deep blue area in a deep blue state, but that didn’t stop Trump supporters from coming out to support the former president.

Former Democratic Governor David Paterson took notice as well, calling Trump’s Bronx rally a “wake-up call” for Biden — as between 8,000 and 10,000 supporters showed up despite the rally only expecting around 3,500.

One of the attendees, a black woman, was captured on camera saying “that we absolutely must take our country back.”

She also drew attention to the “diverse group of people,” noting that what ties them all together is “our love of country.”

“Those are some fired up people,” Pat Gray laughs, after watching even more clips of the Bronx supporters.

Another supporter, a young man, told reporters that “Joe Biden’s policies have failed.”

“It’s failed us in terms of the economy, in terms of illegal immigration, in terms of the environment,” he said, adding, “These policies only hurt black people. It doesn’t help them.”

Gray is impressed, saying “Something is happening here. That’s great.”

“It’s not like 80% of blacks and Hispanics are going to vote for Donald Trump, but he’s at least doubled the numbers, according to the polls that have been conducted. It was 9%, now it’s around 18%,” Gray says.

“I’ve seen it as high as 23% among blacks who are supporting Trump now. That’s unheard of for a really long time,” he adds.

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