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THIS person claims there was a SECOND shooter in Trump assassination attempt

THIS person claims there was a SECOND shooter in Trump assassination attempt

We’re all asking the same questions: Is the almost-assassination of Donald Trump the result of gross incompetence on the part of the DEI-infected Secret Service? Was it an inside job? Was Iran somehow involved?

But there’s one question hardly anyone is asking: Was there another shooter?

Dr. Chris Martenson, CEO of Peak Prosperity, joins Pat Gray and the “Unleashed” team to explain his theory suggesting that multiple shooters were involved in the attempt on President Trump’s life.

Martenson's Audio Evidence: Multiple Shooters in Trump Attemptwww.youtube.com

“I have five audio sources,” says Martenson, listing out “Trump's mic,” “a person halfway in between Trump and the buildings where the shots came from,” a video taken from “way out past Trump,” and two videos taken “right next to the side of the building.”

Audio sources “four and five though … [are] where all the action is,” he says, adding that audio source number one — Trump’s mic — “missed a couple of the shots because it has a feature in the microphone … so that when it hears too loud of a sound, it shuts the mic down for just a tiny bit.”

According to Martenson, that audio feature in Trump’s mic caused it to “[miss] two of the booms,” so “a lot of people started misanalyzing.”

“The official story is that all 8 [shots] came from Crooks because they found 8 spent brass casings around him.”

But apparently, there’s no hard proof of this. There’s also no recording of the first guy to mount the roof after the shots were fired. Further, “there was a 12-minute lag, according to Senator Johnson … between the last shot and when the first person allegedly went on the roof.”

Martenson has a strong suspicion that we're not being told the full story.

To learn more, watch the clip above.

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