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Biden has now told THREE radically different versions of THIS story
Kent Nishimura | Getty Images

Biden has now told THREE radically different versions of THIS story

Joe Biden isn’t exactly known for his sharpness. He regularly stumbles over his words, misspeaks, and butchers well-known information.

However, this blunder might be his worst yet.

He loves to tell the story of the infamous “gay kiss,” and based on how many times this story has radically changed, he either has severe dementia, or he’s just virtue-signaling to the woke crowd.

Pat Gray plays the first clip of Biden telling his story.

He opens by saying that when he was fifteen, he “wanted to work in the projects as a lifeguard,” and so one day his dad “dropped [him] off … to go get an application.”

“As I got out of the car,” he recounts, “two men … kissed one another, and I had never seen that before.”

Luckily, his father took the spectacle as an opportunity to impart some wisdom to young “Joey.”

“It’s simple, Joey – they love one another,” his father said.

Not a bad story, if it didn’t totally change, that is.

“In 2014, he offered another version,” Jeff Fisher tells Pat. “He told the New York Times … that his sons looked up at him quizzically after seeing two men headed off to work kiss each other, and he said, ‘They love each other, honey.”’

“So he turned himself into [the father]” in this version, says Jeffy.

But the last adaptation of the story is arguably the best. To hear rendition #3 of “The Gay Kiss,” watch the clip below.

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