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APPALLING: Biden administration unfreezes IRANIAN funds ON 9/11

APPALLING: Biden administration unfreezes IRANIAN funds ON 9/11

The Biden administration has yet again proved that it’s anti-America. On September 11, 2023, the 22nd anniversary of the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil, officials chose to unfreeze Iranian funds.


Pat Gray thinks not.

He plays a clip of department spokesman Matt Miller attempting to “[defend] the indefensible.”

“You're telling international banks in these European countries in Asia and in the Middle East that you're fine, go ahead and do it,” one reporter said to Miller.

“I did not say that and would not say that,” Miller responded, visibly taken aback. “We are, of course, taking steps to effectuate the transfer of these funds; these are Iranian funds … to give something, that must be something that's yours, and this is not our money.”

“So his excuse has been ‘yeah well we're not giving them the money … we’re not actually taking it from our Treasury and directly depositing it in their bank,’” says Pat.

“But you’re freeing it up because we’re the ones who have been blocking it all these years,” he continues. “Now all of a sudden, it’s fine? Take your $6 billion and create more terror around the world because that’s what they’re gonna do.”

“I guarantee you Iran said, ‘Yeah, we want to do this deal, but make sure it happens on September 11’ … and the Biden administration was like, ‘Why? What’s September 11? Oh, okay sure, that’s fine,’” speculates Keith Malinak.

“They don’t care,” says Pat in disgust.

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