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Cam Newton CRIES racism over Tom Brady’s TV Career
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Cam Newton CRIES racism over Tom Brady’s TV Career

Cam Newton may be a rich and famous NFL player, but that’s not stopping him from blaming racism on why he’s not as successful as some of his friends.

“I’m always going to tell Tom Brady, Tony Romo, Greg Olson, Troy Aikman, Matt Ryan, to go get the bag,” Cam Newton said, asking, “How in the world are they the only ones that’s getting access to these types of contracts?”

“Somebody told me, they said, 'Well, you don’t get these contracts because you’re not polished yet,'” he continued. “What type of media training did Tony Romo have before he just popped up commentating the game?”

“Tom Brady, same thing,” Newton added. “How can we get other minorities to skip the line, too?”

Newton often wears his dreads sticking through whatever hat he’s wearing like an out of control plant — so, Jason Whitlock isn’t surprised he’s not getting the same contracts as the others.

“Cam Newton has a tree sticking out of the top of his head, and he’s wondering why he can’t get a broadcasting job,” Whitlock says, adding, “and he’s taking pot shots at Tony Romo, and you know Tony Romo.”

Romo was an NFL quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, and Troy Aikman who was also mentioned in Newton’s rant, won three Super Bowls with the Cowboys himself.

And Tom Brady is a story all his own.

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