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Nancy Pelosi LIED about January 6, and her own words PROVE it
Brent Stirton/Getty Images I MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images

Nancy Pelosi LIED about January 6, and her own words PROVE it

Nancy Pelosi has remained adamant that the events of January 6 were the fault of former President Donald Trump — but recently uncovered video shows her singing a different tune.

In the video — which was captured during the filming of a documentary — Pelosi claims full responsibility for the January 6 Capitol riot for her refusal to send in the National Guard.

“They caught some pretty interesting details of the mindset of Nancy Pelosi,” investigative reporter Steve Baker tells Jill Savage and Matthew Peterson of “Blaze News Tonight.”

“At one point, she tried to take the blame for not having the National Guard out there, and then she immediately turned on a dime and then started blaming former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund for not having the National Guard there,” he explains, noting that three days before the riot, Sun had asked for permission to deploy the National Guard.

“Not only did he request for it three days in advance and was denied by the house sergeant at arms, Paul Irving, because he said that Pelosi would never go for it,” Baker says, “the day itself, the reason why it took so long for that deployment, is because this was actually sent all the way up to the DOD.”

In addition, Baker notes that he has testimony from an individual who will go on record and explain what had happened during a teleconference call inside the Pentagon that day.

That teleconference is where the phrase, “we don’t like the optics,” was hatched.

“Meaning, we don’t like the optics of the National Guard being at the Capitol,” Baker says.

“We’re going to reveal that there was a coalition of generals that were on this call, three or four of them. In fact, we have their names, and on that call, they were answering to and following the orders of ... Mark Milley, who was, of course, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” he adds.

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