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England goes FULL ORWELL: UK government JAILS citizens for social media posts!

England goes FULL ORWELL: UK government JAILS citizens for social media posts!

The United Kingdom has resurrected a COVID-era measure to censor law-abiding citizens — which includes threatening them with jail time if they disobey.

One 55-year-old woman was arrested over a post because it contained inaccurate information about the identity of the suspect accused of the killings of three young girls in Southport.

Peter Gietl, the managing editor for Blaze Media’s Return, is horrified.

“This story has me riled up. I used to live in London; I really love England,” he tells Jill Savage and Matthew Peterson of "Blaze News Tonight." “Basically, what we’re seeing is it didn’t take long for the new Labour government to find an excuse to bring out draconian measures on dissent and free speech.”

“Where this is going is really concerning,” he continues, adding, “and it’s all happening very quickly.”

And the Crown Prosecution Service of England couldn’t have made it more obvious how concerning this really is.

A video posted to its social media contained the statement: “You can be PROSECUTED for posting material online which incites VIOLENCE or HATRED. You can also be PROSECUTED for sharing this material. Your online actions can have consequences.”

“These images you’re seeing on the screen, which you know the government is putting out, it’s Orwellian,” Peterson comments, noting that another post from gov.uk said, “Think before you post.”

“Well, we shouldn’t forget, Matt, that Winston Smith, '1984,' did take place in England. So there always has been this somewhat fascist streak,” Gietl says.

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