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Commentary: Attacking Elon Musk is about tearing down American excellence
Nathan Howard/Getty Images

Attacking Elon Musk is about tearing down American excellence

The bloodlust of the American Empire is never satiated. More precisely, the media’s preoccupation with fighting to the last Ukrainian informs their sanguinary coverage. The glee drips as they report every gory detail of a conflict descending into an unwinnable stalemate.

Walter Isaacson’s new biography of Elon Musk recently revealed the SpaceX CEO had refused a Ukrainian appeal in 2022 to use Starlink for an offensive attack on Sevastopol, a port in Crimea.

“There was an emergency request from government authorities to activate Starlink all the way to Sevastopol,” Musk posted on X. “The obvious intent being to sink most of the Russian fleet at anchor. If I had agreed to their request, then SpaceX would be explicitly complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation.”

A CEO being reluctant to use his cutting-edge technology to escalate a war might seem prudent in a normal world. But the prospect of excoriating their new boogeyman for being insufficiently war-crazed proved too enticing for the media. They called Musk a Putin stooge and a Russian propagandist.

Nefarious agents from Moscow manipulate everything not in lockstep with the hive mind — or so we’re told. I wonder who is more paranoid about Russian agents subverting democracy: the current American media or Senator Joseph McCarthy? We know there were at least some communists in the ’50s in Hollywood.

This story is more absurd when you realize Musk, through Starlink, has been responsible for keeping the internet online in Ukraine throughout the war. It’s unlikely the Ukrainian people would have been able to continue the fight without access to Musk’s satellite-based Wi-Fi. This act of humanitarian goodwill wasn’t enough for the apparatchiks, however. It’s either total war or treason.

“We need to investigate how this happened. What’s in those contracts that permits him to have this kind of power?” Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said to journalists following Musk's involvement in a congressional forum on artificial intelligence.

Warren further urged the Department of Defense to examine its agreements with Musk's enterprises closely, particularly the contracts with SpaceX for acquiring Starlink satellites.

“It is also the responsibility of the Department of Defense to go back and take a look at those contracts,” Warren said. “That kind of activity poses a danger to the United States, to Ukraine, and to the rest of the world.”

It seems strange that Congress and the media are determined to attack the only industrialist capable of developing large-scale vital industries. Recently, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced it would delay the launch of SpaceX’s new starship mega-rocket by as long as three months to assess “potential environmental impacts and effects on endangered species.”

Why worry about going to the stars when we can focus on the local tadpole population?

Unfortunately for the brave Ukrainian freedom fighters, the veneer of universal support is fading. As recently as a week ago, the Ukrainian government fired its English-language spokesperson, a transgender person called Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, for being “too bloodthirsty” after calling for the assassination of anyone who questioned the pro-war narrative.

But wait, there’s more! Anthony Rota, the speaker of Canada’s House of Commons, had to step down last week after honoring a former Ukrainian SS officer on the floor of Parliament. None of this should be surprising. Last year, I reported that 92% of U.S. and European companies never stopped trading with Russia. The sanctions were as fake as Jon Stewart's award to a Ukrainian soldier sporting a neo-Nazi tattoo at Disney World. You really can’t make this stuff up.

The media and the left don’t hate Musk because he bought Twitter and took away their blue checkmarks or because he refuses to wave the Ukrainian flag. They hate him because he embodies the ideals America once stood for: ingenuity, building things, and excellence writ large.

Instead of striving for space, they prefer we wallow in the mud.

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Peter Gietl

Peter Gietl

Managing Editor, Return

Peter Gietl is the managing editor for Return.
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