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Sony Pictures is editing their own films to release 'clean' versions -- what will be removed?
FREDERIC J. BROWN / Getty Images

Sony Pictures is editing their own films to release 'clean' versions -- what will be removed?

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment is going to release "clean" versions of 24 Sony films, prompting Mike Opelka to ask what the directors must be thinking on "Pure Opelka" today.

The entertainment giant announced a "Clean Version Initiative," meaning they will provide the edited-for-TV and airplane versions free of charge to anyone renting or purchasing the films on several electronic platforms.

Of the 24 announced titles, Mike was particularly vexed by the altering of "Ghostbusters," which he declared is "messing with perfection." He was not concerned about the clean edit of "Ghostbusters II."

The Family Movie Act of 2005 has allowed third party services to offer cleaner versions for years now, but Mike wondered if directors with spines will take issue with Sony getting in on the act. He implored them to stand up and say no to protect art.

To see more from Mike, visit his channel on TheBlaze and listen live to “Pure Opelka” weekdays 7–10 p.m. ET & Saturdays 6–9 a.m. ET, only on TheBlaze Radio Network.

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