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Deace: Trump is targeted and persecuted — but he’s also his own worst enemy
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Deace: Trump is targeted and persecuted — but he’s also his own worst enemy

What a cuck.

That’s what fans of Donald Trump version 2015 would have said about the 2023 model after it was confirmed that Trump will not be attending this Friday’s Family Leader candidate summit in Des Moines, Iowa.

And we all know it.

Long gone is the guy who gladly stepped on stage over and over again with different combinations of 23 different Republican candidates and slayed them all. It is a memory I retain with equal parts gratitude and frustration. Gratitude because his blitzkrieg through the business-as-usual nonsense of the GOP was something I long professed needed to happen. But frustration because it came at the expense of the candidate I was working for – Ted Cruz – at the time.

I declined to go with Trump prior to choosing Cruz because I simply had no idea what the ultimate destination of his runaway train was. And to be sure, the sights and the scenery were marvelous for a while as Trump put together the finest executive office track record since Ronald Reagan.

Until we came to Covidstan, when Trump got cucked with his pants on many times over by the likes of Anthony Fauci and Debbie Birx. In essence, as with the Family Leader summit, Trump refused to show up on the biggest stage when we needed him most. He chose to outsource the job to the very “experts” that he said he would drain the swamp of.

No matter how unfairly he was treated before, during, or after that time by his enemies, Trump then proceeded to make matters worse by badly and inexcusably losing a debate to a dementia patient, who then beat him on Election Day using ballot harvesting methods Trump made possible with his COVID lockdown policies.

Trump is targeted and persecuted for our sake unfairly, for sure. But he is also his own worst enemy too often and appears to have learned no lessons from his losses if he won’t come to Iowa and talk with host Tucker Carlson on Friday. Maybe I’m the only one, but I’d kinda like to know why we should put our futures in the hands of a guy who may be in jail on Election Day? Or who lacks so much self-control, when we really need him to have enough to win a must-win election, that he’s trashing our beloved Governor Kim Reynolds because she won’t anoint him yet as her lord and savior.

Trump is in danger of becoming the very thing he supposedly came to destroy. He even hides from competition to the point he obsesses about a man – Ron DeSantis – whom he claims to be destroying. He’s only done one rally since April 27. He offers no specifics on how he plans to win this time. His fundraising lags behind DeSantis. Much of his messaging is “look at the polls” and poorly lit videos of his lamentations posted at Truth Social, where he also daily seethes. There is no evidence being presented that Trump is prepared, or even willing, to do what must be done to reverse the GOP’s loss of independent swing voters in three consecutive elections.

To that I shout “cuckadoodledoo,” because he will not win a must-win general election being this ridiculous. And we all know this, or at least fear that is the case, even if we’re afraid for whatever reason to say the quiet part out loud.

Trump lives in a palatial grove of lemons, yet lemonade is in perpetually short supply. It’s all acid and no sugar. Our industry/movement could help him (and us) pivot from this sad and needless destiny that could end with him incarcerated and the rest of us a prisoner of Demoncrat policies after this election. If only we would spend more time reminding him that he needs to wake the hell up, because we need the best of Trump right now at this dire moment of history. Instead, we’re too concerned doing so will cost us status, clicks, and access we apparently believe only Trump can adequately provide.

If we lose this next election, the acid will rain down on all of us. But at least we can comfort our children and grandchildren suffering from Dementia Joe, Gavin Douchesome, or Big Mike appointing Samuel Alito’s and Clarence Thomas’ successors over the next 30 years with the knowledge that we won the great ratio wars of 2023.

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Steve Deace

Steve Deace

BlazeTV Host

Steve Deace is the host of the “Steve Deace Show” and a columnist for Blaze News.
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