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Ocasio-Cortez leads online liberal meltdown over CNN's latest hire — here's why
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Ocasio-Cortez leads online liberal meltdown over CNN's latest hire — here's why

Some are very scared when conservative views get equal airtime

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) joined an online social media implosion among the left over the announcement from CNN that they would hire on a contributor known for her conservative activism.

CNN hired on Sarah Isgur, a former spokeswoman for Republican Jeff Sessions, as the political editor for its 2020 election coverage.

Ocasio-Cortez expressed outrage that CNN would hire a conservative when so many journalists had been recently laid off from the industry that is bleeding jobs.

"Sorry, didn't get the latest memo after 1,000 experienced + qualified journalists of all stripes were let go w/o warning a few weeks ago and still looking for work," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, "are we still pretending that hires like these are evidence of a meritocracy?"

Former Obama NSC spokesman Tommy Vietor was similarly outraged.

"This is absolutely insane @CNNPolitics," he tweeted. "Why on earth would you hire a right-wing hack to oversee political coverage in 2020?"

"You just gave every Democrat in the country a reason to doubt your objectivity," he concluded.

Former Obama campaign manager Stef Cutter demanded CNN's media critic Brian Stelter attack the new hire.

"[P]lease report on her tweets," Cutter tweeted to Stelter, "esp her tweets espousing anti-choice, anti-planned parenthood bulls**t. I have no problem w/people in politics transitioning to journalism, but not as political editor covering a presidential & no track record of actual journalism."

Other less notable left-wing online personalities jeered the announcement.

"I cannot understand why CNN would undermine itself this way," responded ThinkProgress Ian Millhiser. "Even if the GOP operative somehow discovers facts in her new job, every single critical piece that CNN does about a Democrat can now be dismissed as a Sarah Isgur Flores special."

"CNN wants to give both sides: The Russians and the Americans," mocked Sarah Reese Jones.

"You will live the rest of your life and never see CNN hire someone with a record of (accurately) criticizing it from theMany left in the way Sarah Isgur has attacked it (with lies) from the right," responded Jon Schwartz.

Many seemed especially angered by a tweet Isgur posted referring to CNN as the "Clinton News Network" in 2014.

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.