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Woman who stole Chicago cop's car and ran him over found not guilty — despite the video
Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images

Woman who stole Chicago cop's car and ran him over found not guilty — despite the video

She was found not guilty by reason of insanity.

A woman who was caught on camera stealing a Chicago police SUV and then dragging the officer was found not guilty by a judge for attempted murder and four other charges by reason of insanity.

CWBChicago reported Whitley Temple will have to complete a treatment plan instead of serving prison time due to Judge Tyria Walton's ruling. Temple was filmed by a bystander and a city surveillance camera during the incident. It started when Officer Ed Poppish was responding to shots fired when he saw Temple lying half-naked in the street. When he stopped to help her, Temple got up from the pavement and walked around him to get into the squad car’s driver’s seat.

Poppish tried to stop her, but she allegedly told him, “Let me go. This has nothing to do with you.”

Temple was hired as as a lead accountant at the city’s Department of Family and Support Services while the case was still pending.

Temple put the SUV in reverse and started to drag Poppish, hitting another car behind the SUV before Poppish was able to get free of the vehicle.

Temple went on a bit of a joyride with the SUV. She drove the vehicle to a gas station, got out while it was still rolling, went into the station, came back out, and drove away again. Driving at high speeds, she weaved in and out of traffic on the expressway and ran through red lights. After hitting five occupied cars, Temple got out and ran down the block until police were finally able to arrest her.

In true Chicago fashion, Temple was hired as as a lead accountant at the city’s Department of Family and Support Services while the case was still pending. She lost her job earlier this year after her hiring became public knowledge.

CWBChicago noted Temple's bail had been set at $2 million, but her attorneys filed an appeal, saying the bail was excessive. An appellate court agreed, allowing her to go home with an ankle monitor after a relative posted her $7,500 bail deposit. The ankle monitor was removed last year.

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Julio Rosas

Julio Rosas

Julio Rosas is Blaze Media's National Correspondent.

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