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Wisconsin man dies from injuries in bar fight over his tattoos, alleged assailant is charged with homicide
Image Source: WITI-TV YouTube video screenshot composite

Wisconsin man dies from injuries in bar fight over his tattoos, alleged assailant is charged with homicide

A Wisconsin man has been charged with homicide after he punched another man who died a month later from injuries sustained in the bar fight over his tattoos.

The family of 39-year-old Josh Davies says he was on a date night with his wife when 64-year-old Kevin Sehmer accosted him about his tattoos at a wine bar in Hartland.

Witnesses said Sehmer told Davies that he was going to hell and that God would not save him because of his tattoos.

Police said Sehmer followed Davies after he left the bar and punched him in the head. Davis then fell to the ground and hit his head on the pavement, causing a skull fracture and bleeding in the brain. Police said Sehmer ran away after assaulting Davies.

The victim was in a coma for nearly a month before succumbing to his injuries. Sehmer was initially charged with aggravated battery and released on a $1,500 bond, but the charges were amended to homicide after Davies died. His bail was also raised to $100,000.

"The suffering and pain that my brother endured for the last 26 days was not his fault," said Jamie Davies, a sister of the victim.

Davies' family said the two had never met before the incident.

“The quiet quaint night, to have a date night with your wife, and to be assaulted for having a tattoo? Each tattoo is a personal message from the person who wears it. A shared memory. A bad memory. At no time did it deserve to be attacked," said family friend Michael EIkins to WISN-TV.

"My brother never deserved this whatsoever. It was such a hateful, hateful thing for this man to do to my brother," said his sister.

Here's a local news report about the incident:

Wisconsin man punched over tattoos dies, man charged | FOX6 News Milwaukeewww.youtube.com

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.