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Wisconsin governor vetoes bill that would prohibit transgender-related surgeries, hormones, and puberty blockers for minors
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Wisconsin governor vetoes bill that would prohibit transgender-related surgeries, hormones, and puberty blockers for minors

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, has vetoed commonsense legislation that would prohibit health care providers from providing transgender-related measures to minors.

"A health care provider may not engage in, cause the engagement in, or make a referral for, any of the following practices upon a minor for the purpose of changing the minor's body to correspond to a sex that is discordant with the minor's biological sex," the measure states.

In that context, the proposal would bar the performance of mastectomies and various other types of surgical procedures on minors. It would prohibit administering, prescribing, and supplying puberty blockers for the purpose of stopping or delaying normal puberty. It would also forbid giving "supraphysiologic doses of testosterone or other androgens to biological females" and "supraphysiologic doses of estrogen to biological males," terminology which refers to doses higher than the levels that would not normally be found in a person's body. It also prohibits the removal of healthy body parts and tissues.

The measure allows exceptions in cases involving "a minor born with a medically verifiable genetic disorder of sex development," as well as situations involving treatment of a problem caused or aggravated by a gender transition procedure, and for procedures performed in order to protect a minor from "death or impairment of a major bodily function."

Evers issued a statement discussing his move to veto the measure.

"I am vetoing this bill in its entirety because I object to restricting physicians from providing evidence-based and medically appropriate care to their patients, restricting parents from making decisions with physicians to ensure their kids receive the healthcare they need, and preventing patients from receiving that basic, life-saving care," Evers said in the veto message.

"This type of legislation, and the rhetoric beget by pursuing it, harms LGBTQ people and kids' mental health, emboldens anti-LGBTQ hate and violence, and threatens the safety and dignity of LGBTQ Wisconsinites. I will veto any bill that makes Wisconsin a less safe, less inclusive, and less welcoming place for LGBTQ people and kids," he declared.

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Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg

Alex Nitzberg is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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