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Gun store employee charged with murder after shooting death of suspected shoplifter in Houston
Image Source: KTRK-TV YouTube video screenshot composite

Gun store employee charged with murder after shooting death of suspected shoplifter in Houston

After more than a year-long investigation, a gun store employee was charged with murder after he shot and killed an alleged shoplifter in Houston.

Surveillance video captured the incident at Carter's Country Store between Mark Winger and Terry Evans Jr. from June 2022.

Evans can be seen walking into the store and to a cash register from which he appears to grab cash before heading toward the door. One female employee can be seen approaching him before Winger follows after and shoots at Evans while he tries to escape.

Firefighters found Evans in a parking lot, and he later died from his injuries at a hospital.

Police said that Evans had tried to steal clothing from a separate store before he was driven away by employees and walked next door to the gun shop.

This week, Winger was arrested and charged with murder, according to KTRK-TV. He posted a $30,000 bond and was released.

An attorney for Evans' family argued that the shooting did not fulfill the requirements for a justified shooting in defense.

"In Texas, you're only justified in using deadly force if you feel like you're in fear of imminent death or serious bodily injury," said Jason Gibson.

Gibson claimed that no one at the gun store called 911 over the incident. He also says that initial police reports claimed Winger was afraid for his life because Evans had a sharp object, but he says surveillance video shows Evans only had a styrofoam cup.

Evan's parents said in an interview in April that he had been a caring father to three sons even as they acknowledged his criminal past and struggles with mental illness.

"I can't describe the pain of losing a son," said Terry Evans Sr. tearfully. "I say to myself, I would have taken the bullet because the pain is unbearable."

Here's a news video report about the incident:

Surveillance video from deadly shooting during a shoplifting attemptwww.youtube.com

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.