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WATCH: Anti-Trump protester spits on man wearing MAGA hat outside Minneapolis rally
Image source: YouTube screenshot

WATCH: Anti-Trump protester spits on man wearing MAGA hat outside Minneapolis rally

'Oh, nice!'

A protester against President Donald Trump spit on a man wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat who was being interviewed Thursday outside the Trump rally in Minneapolis. The MAGA hat is the iconic symbol of Trump's 2016 presidential run.

Dave Carlson, a salesman, was telling VICE News on camera why he donates to Trump's campaign when a protester spit on Carlson's face and kept walking by.

The interviewer was horrified, and several others expressed shock — but Carlson was unfazed.

"Oh, nice!" he exclaimed before wiping the saliva off his left cheek.

Image source: YouTube screenshot

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he added, taking out a handkerchief.

VICE News said one protester who wasn't the perpetrator apologized to Carlson — and another, who also wasn't the guilty party, kind of apologized.

"That's f***ing disrespectful," the dreadlocked guy told Carlson before pointing at his MAGA hat and adding, "but on the other hand, that s**t is disrespectful as f***, too. So there's a difference."

"I respect your opinion," Carlson replied to the guy. (Content warning: Rough language):

Protester Spits On Trump Supporter During Interview at Minneapolis Rallyyoutu.be

Are we seeing a pattern?

Apart from all the other left-wing mayhem outside the Trump rally in Minneapolis — tossing urine, burning MAGA hats, physically attacking Trump supporters while calling them Nazis — a number of left-wing spitting incidents have hit the headlines of late as well.

After all, who can forget this woman spitting on a pro-life activist late last month at George Washington University?

Image source: YouTube screenshot

Oh, and:

  • A delivery bicyclist was facing charges after allegedly spitting in the face of an anti-abortion activist in front of a Parliament building in Sydney, Australia, in August.
  • Eric Trump said an employee at a high-end lounge in Chicago spit on him in June.
  • A North Carolina man was allegedly spit upon in June after complaining that a transgender woman was using a restaurant restroom at this same time as his wife.

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Dave Urbanski

Dave Urbanski

Sr. Editor, News

Dave Urbanski is a senior editor for Blaze News.
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