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Violence erupts among LGBT activists and parental rights supporters over LA school district’s policies: ‘Pushing officers,’ ‘throwing items’
Image Source: KCAL video screenshot

Violence erupts among LGBT activists and parental rights supporters over LA school district’s policies: ‘Pushing officers,’ ‘throwing items’

A protest in Los Angeles on Tuesday turned violent after LGBT activists showed up outside Los Angeles Unified School District’s headquarters to counterprotest a parental rights march over the district’s notification policies.

Police stated that multiple individuals were taken into custody for “becoming violent, pushing officers, and throwing items,” KTLA reported.

According to KCAL, three individuals were detained — two LGTQ+ supporters and one parental rights advocate. All three suspects are being held on $5,000 bail.

The parental rights group Leave Our Kids Alone organized the march to urge the school district to require school staff to notify parents if their child requests to identify as a gender other than their biological sex. Supporters contend that parents should be informed if their children ask to change their names or use restroom facilities that do not align with their biological sex.

Ben Richards, a parental rights advocate, told KTLA, “We want, in law, a parental notification measure to let us in on how our child is being raised.”

“But the fact of the matter is, we have people fighting us against it because they want to hide things from parents,” he added.

A counterprotest, organized by Ground Game L.A., arrived at the Tuesday rally to oppose the parental rights group’s requested policy changes, KNBC reported.

Burbank Mayor Konstantine Anthony, who attended the rally, told KTLA, “If that kid is fearful, if that kid [has] expressed concerns that by saying this type of new information to their parents or family members puts them in danger, now we got a situation where the teacher is in a position of possibly harming the child.”

The dueling protests blocked the street outside the LAUSD headquarters.

To keep tensions from rising, police officers formed a protective line between the two groups, confining them to opposite sides of the street. At one point, the police issued a dispersal order and pushed the counterprotesters back, but some refused to comply and were subsequently arrested, the authorities reported.

An LAUSD spokesperson stated, “Los Angeles Unified will never shy away from being an inclusive environment for all.”

“Every student in the District deserves to be treated with dignity, respect and care and have their entire self celebrated and accepted. We will never abdicate our responsibility of providing a safe and welcoming environment for every student, family, employee or community member that walks through our doors,” the spokesperson continued.

“The District follows state laws and state approved curriculum that reflects and embraces the experiences and backgrounds of our diverse community. However, the District will always and unequivocally provide additional resources and support for every student, including those experiencing gender dysphoria and questioning their sexual orientation, and will respect whatever decision a student and their family determines,” LAUSD added.

Parent's rights group and counter protesters clash Downtown LAyoutu.be

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Candace Hathaway

Candace Hathaway

Candace Hathaway is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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