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Video shows gang of young bicyclists in 'animalistic attack' on BMW in Manhattan in broad daylight: 'Welcome to de Blasio's NYC'
Image source: Instragram/breaking911 video screenshot

Video shows gang of young bicyclists in 'animalistic attack' on BMW in Manhattan in broad daylight: 'Welcome to de Blasio's NYC'

'It shows how far the city has deteriorated'

A disturbing video posted Tuesday night shows a gang of bicyclists attacking a BMW in Manhattan in broad daylight and terrorizing the man and woman who were inside the vehicle.

One police officer noted that the attack was just another example of how far the city has fallen recently under current elected leadership.

What happened?

The recorded attack happened around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday at the intersection of Manhattan's Fifth Avenue and 21st Street, the New York Post reported.

The video was posted to Instagram by Breaking911. The outlet's post said the BMW bore "physician plates" and that the male driver was trying to take his mother to see Christmas lights around Manhattan when the pack of thugs launched their attack unprovoked.

"WELCOME TO DE BLASIO'S #NYC," Breaking911 wrote, referring to NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio. "Gang of thugs vandalize BMW with physician plates as a son was reportedly taking his elderly mother to see Christmas lights in Manhattan. Bystanders say the driver did nothing to provoke the attack. The elderly woman was crying & scared for her life."

The attackers can be seen trying to get into the BMW, doing body slams on the hood of the car, and beating the vehicle with their bikes.

Image source: Instragram/breaking911 video screenshot

Then one of the thugs gets a running start, launches himself off the hood of the car, and comes down with both feet slamming into the car's windshield, shattering and caving it in.

Image source: Instragram/breaking911 video screenshot

Image source: Instragram/breaking911 video screenshot

All the while, the perpetrators were being cheered on by their peers.

An unnamed Manhattan cop didn't mince words in his description of the attack to the Post — and what the crime symbolizes for the Big Apple.

"This was an animalistic attack in broad daylight," the officer told the Post.

After noting that the pair in the car were clearly scared for their lives, the cop added, "It shows how far the city has deteriorated and the politicians better get their heads out of the sand and start to deal with these problems before there is nothing left."

A source told the Post that the same group of thugs attacked a taxi not long after this incident was caught on video.

It remains unclear if any arrests have been made in connection to the attack, the Post said.

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