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VIDEO: CNN's Jake Tapper goes viral with embarrassing question for tiny group of Biden supporters at Iowa caucus site
Image source: Twitter video screenshot

VIDEO: CNN's Jake Tapper goes viral with embarrassing question for tiny group of Biden supporters at Iowa caucus site

'There's time ... this year?'

CNN's Jake Tapper went viral after having a discussion with what Fox News reported was an "unviable Iowa caucus group of hopeful Biden supporters."

What are the details?

During Monday night's Iowa Democratic caucus debacle, Tapper spoke with a group of Joe Biden-supporting caucusgoers in Des Moines who clearly were not going to make the Democratic Party's 15% threshold for viability at their precinct.

In their case, at least 56 candidate supporters need to be present in order for their candidate to be viable.

"This does not look like 56 people," Tapper said of the group. "You look like lovely, wonderful people, but it doesn't look like you've made the viability threshold."

One supporter responded, "Not yet! There's time."

Tapper, unconvinced, responded, "There's time ... this year? I'm not trying to be funny, but what are you going to do?"

Another supporter said that other caucus attendees who had "unviable" candidates might join the Biden caucus.

"We're going to stand strong with our first choice," the supporter said. "And when other candidates are not viable, we know that Joe is a lot of people's second choice. And we'll become viable in the second alignment."

Tapper responded, "So you think there's still a possibility that [those supporters] will come here?" He walked away after the Biden supporter confirmed their hopes.

"[H]ope springs eternal," Tapper quipped as he turned his back on the group.

What's next?

The Iowa Democratic Party could not report the Monday caucus results, citing irregularities that prompted a last-minute delay. You can read more on the Monday night debacle here.

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