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Tucker Carlson incinerates Hunter Biden plea deal in newest Twitter episode: 'A lifetime of sins just washed away in an instant'
Image Source: Tucker Carlson Twitter video screenshot

Tucker Carlson incinerates Hunter Biden plea deal in newest Twitter episode: 'A lifetime of sins just washed away in an instant'

Tucker Carlson released another scathing episode of his Twitter show and took aim straight at Hunter Biden after he agreed to a plea deal and got a slap on the wrist.

The president's son reportedly agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and will receive probation and have to pay the taxes he owes. He will also enter into a diversion program over charges related to lying on a federal form when applying for a gun license.

"As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent," wrote Carlson in the description of his latest Twitter episode.

"This morning Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to pretty much nothing. Biden pled to two misdemeanor tax evasion charges then entered a diversion on a federal gun charge. That's it. As far as Merrick Garland's Justice Department is concerned Hunter Biden is done," said Carlson on the show.

"There was no pre-dawn raid carried out live simultaneously on CNN, there was no perp walk, no handcuffs, no press conference. Above all there was no felony. Hunter Biden who broke federal gun laws can still carry a gun. It's like it all never happened," he added.

"In fact the Justice Department just baptized Hunter Biden. A lifetime of sins washed away in an instant," Carlson said. "It was a secular miracle!"

He went on to emphasize that Hunter Biden got special treatment because he's a son of President Joe Biden and mocked the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.

Carlson left Fox News in April and began publishing his own version of his very popular show on Twitter. He received tens of millions of views while Fox News has struggled to fill his time slot and has suffered in ratings without him.

He later accused Fox News of fraud and breach of contract over the circumstances surrounding his exit from the cable news network.

Hunter Biden is expected in federal court in the next few days over the plea deal.

Here's the video from Tucker Carlson:

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.