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President Trump says he's considering using executive order to reinstate citizenship question for 2020 census
Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

President Trump says he's considering using executive order to reinstate citizenship question for 2020 census

The issue is being batted around in the courts

President Donald Trump told reporters Friday that he is "thinking about" taking executive action to include a question on citizenship in the 2020 census as the issue continues to be held up in court.

What are the details?

Speaking on the White House lawn, President Trump was asked if he was considering using an executive order to include the citizenship question, and he responded, "We're thinking about doing that, it's one of the ways," The Hill reported.

"I have a lot of respect for [Chief] Justice [John] Roberts — but he didn't like it, but he did say come back," the president added. "We could start the printing now and maybe do an addendum after we get a positive decision."

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that while the Trump administration's addition of a citizenship question would be constitutional, they needed to present a better reason for its inclusion. Adding to the confusion, the Department of Justice reacted to the verdict by saying it would no longer put up a fight on the issue, before President Trump vowed that the Department of Commerce "absolutely" would continue to press for the question to be added.

According to the Washington Post, a federal judge in Maryland who is overseeing a lawsuit on the question has given the Trump administration until 2 p.m. Friday to explain how it intends to move forward.

Anything else?

Asking U.S. residents whether or not they are citizens is not a new concept.

Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter explained at RealClear Politics earlier this year that "the majority of censuses in U.S. history have inquired about citizenship in one form or another."

Hunter joined 15 other state attorneys general and the Department of Justice in requesting Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross add the citizenship question to the 2020 census.

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