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Texas has sent over 50,000 illegal aliens to Democrat-run cities and shows no signs of letting up
Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Texas has sent over 50,000 illegal aliens to Democrat-run cities and shows no signs of letting up

Since President Joe Biden took office in 2021, Texas has faced an unprecedented influx of illegal aliens — what Gov. Greg Abbott has officially declared an "invasion."

As waves of migrants crashed upon the Lone Star State without cessation, Democrat-run states and cities kept up their pro-illegal migration rhetoric, more or less inviting foreign nationals to flout the laws of the land.

Ever since Texas began busing illegal aliens to these so-called sanctuaries in April 2022, that rhetoric has been put to the test and, in some cases, proven hollow.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott announced Friday that as part of Operation Lone Star, Texas has bused over 50,000 illegal aliens to so-called sanctuary cities.

According to the governor's office, the state has bused:

  • Over 12,500 migrants to Washington, D.C., since April 2022;
  • Over 18,500 migrants to New York City since August 2022;
  • Over 13,500 migrants to Chicago since August 2022;
  • Over 3,100 migrants to Philadelphia since November 2022;
  • Over 3,200 migrants to Denver since May 18; and
  • Over 940 migrants to Los Angeles since June 14.

According to Axios, it has taken Texas roughly 1,130 buses to get these migrants to their blue destinations.

Having been exposed to just a fraction of what Texas has withstood, various sanctuary cities have buckled.

TheBlaze reported Tuesday that the executive director for Denver's Office of Emergency Management recently sent a letter to various Texas officials asking that they provide illegal aliens with flyers stressing that the Democrat-run sanctuary city is no longer able to provide shelter and other resources to future waves of border-jumpers.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams, who has admitted that the influx of illegal aliens under Biden "will destroy New York City," tried something similar at the border this year. Since his flyer campaign accomplished little in the way of precluding multitudes of additional migrants joining the over 100,000 that have already poured into NYC in recent months, Adams headed to Latin America last week in hopes of dissuading additional migrants from making their way north.

D.C. is similarly having troubles living up to its sanctuary promise. Its Democratic mayor deemed the influx of migrants a crisis last year, declared a state of emergency, and called on the National Guard for assistance. The District has since spent tens of millions of dollars to address the arrival of migrants bused in by Texas, reported the Washington Examiner.

As for Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson's Chicago, migrants are piling into police stations, lobbies, and makeshift camps because all of the shelters intended for American citizens are full, reported the New York Times.

"We don't have any place for them to go," said Cristina Pacione-Zayas, deputy chief of staff for Johnson. "We are scrambling."

Andrew Vasquez, chairman of the city's Committee on Immigrant and Refugee Rights, said, "It's a logistical nightmare. ... You're going to see more people on the street figuring out a way to survive."

Housing and feeding the migrants in Chicago alone is expected to cost the city at least $345 million in under less than a year and a half.

According to the Times, the sanctuary city of Los Angeles is not having comparable difficulties, in part because it's too expensive for many illegal migrants to stay. Those who stick around can count on the already massive illegal alien population to provide a support network.

On Sept. 22, Abbott announced the deployment of additional buses to Eagle Pass and El Paso to help share their burden with Democrat-run cities.

"Texas communities like Eagle Pass and El Paso should not have to shoulder the unprecedented surge of illegal immigration caused by President Biden’s reckless open border policies. I have directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management to deploy additional buses to send these migrants to self-declared sanctuary cities and provide much-needed relief to our overrun border towns," said the governor. "Until President Biden upholds his constitutional duty to secure America’s southern border, Texas will continue to deploy as many buses as needed to relieve the strain caused by the surge of illegal crossings."

Axios noted that Abbott's initiative has successfully prompted Democratic leaders to increase pressure on the Biden administration to act on the border.

In his Friday announcement, Abbott indicated Texas has also apprehended over 473,900 illegal aliens since the launch of Operation Lone Star, made over 34,800 criminal arrests, and issued over 31,800 felony charges.

TheBlaze previously reported that September 2023 appears to have set an all-time record for illegal border crossings.

Between October 2022 and August 2023, over 2.2 million migrants stole into the country, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The previous fiscal year, another 2.3 million entered.

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Joseph MacKinnon

Joseph MacKinnon

Joseph MacKinnon is a staff writer for Blaze News.
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