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Mark and Patricia McCloskey
Laurie Skrivan/St. Louis Post-Dispatch/Tribune News Service via Getty Images

St. Louis attorney who defended property from encroaching mob says he will be 'indicted shortly'

Last week, police executed a warrant against the couple

Mark McCloskey, the St. Louis attorney who went viral last month for defending his property from an encroaching mob, revealed Monday that he and his wife, Patricia, may be "indicted shortly."

"My attorney advised me not to be on the show tonight because the rumor is that we are going to be indicted shortly," McCloskey told Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

Mark McCloskey with Fox News host Tucker Carlson. (Image source: YouTube screenshot)

As TheBlaze reported, local authorities executed a warrant against the McCloskeys last Friday during which police seized the firearms the couple was seen holding in viral photos and videos.

According to McCloskey, the police who served the warrant were "almost apologetic," but had no control over the case, which is being directed by St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, a Democrat.

"[The police], unfortunately, are stuck between a circuit attorney [Kim Gardner] that wants to prosecute us, and their own belief that we did absolutely nothing wrong," McCloskey explained.

He added, "This is the same circuit attorney that released 35 of the protesters that torched and looted downtown St. Louis, but now she wants to indict me. I didn't shoot anybody. I just held my ground, protected my house, and I'm sitting here on television tonight instead of dead or putting out the smoldering embers of my home."

Later, McCloskey said the "only possible solution" to the outrage mob, in the midst of a cultural moment denouncing police, is "for individual citizens to stand up and defend themselves."

Despite the warrant and having their firearms seized, no criminal charges have yet been filed against the McCloskeys.

After the McCloskeys went viral, Gardner vowed to hold the couple "accountable," claiming they had committed a "violent assault." However, Missouri's castle doctrine makes it clear that residents are lawfully permitted to use lethal force to protect their property.

St. Louis couple who defended their home had rifle seized, may face indictmentwww.youtube.com

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Chris Enloe

Chris Enloe

Staff Writer

Chris Enloe is a staff writer for Blaze News
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