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Left-wing groups are paying social media influencers up to $10K per video and more to push liberal propaganda
Photo by CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty Images

Left-wing groups are paying social media influencers up to $10K per video and more to push liberal propaganda

One influencer admitted that she had been recruited by a progressive organization.

A social media influencer confirmed to CBS News that influencers could be paid up to $10K and more a month by left-wing groups to create liberal propaganda.

Awa Sanneh is a beauty tip influencer on TikTok, but she told CBS that she had been hired by a left-wing organization after she visited the White House and posted about it on her account.

'We just have to be working with them. And if we're not, we're missing a huge way that voters are getting information about the world.'

Sanneh would not say how much she was paid but told CBS it was in the tens of thousands for creators with her following on social media.

"A video just for a creator in my size, an average can go from $3,000 to $10,000 and upwards," she said.

Robert Flaherty, who runs digital strategy for the Kamala Harris campaign, says they have reached out to thousands of influencers.

"We give them talking points, resources, base language, you know, graphics that they could repurpose or lift," he explained.

"We just have to be working with them. And if we're not, we're missing a huge way that voters are getting information about the world," Flaherty added.

He went on to say that the campaign does not pay influencers directly, but CBS found numerous political groups that do pay them directly.

Sanneh says that she discloses when she's being paid on political posts, but the Federal Election Commission voted in December that influencers don't need to disclose that information on political messaging.

She has been invited to the Democratic National Convention and plans on attending.

"They just told us that if we wanted to put on our own show that they would give us all the resources to do that," she added.

The report noted that Turning Point USA has been recruiting influencers on the right for years.

CBS posted its interview with Sanneh on YouTube.

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