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Seattle protester: What happened to those who didn't support French Revolution? 'Chopped!'
Image source: Twitter video screenshot

Menacing speaker asks far-left Seattle protesters what happened to those who didn't support French Revolution. 'Chopped!' they reply.

'That is the message we need to send! We are serious! This is not a joke!'

Apparently unsatisfied with being allowed to create their own autonomous zone around the Seattle police department's abandoned East Precinct, far-left protesters on Sunday night made their way over to the police department's West Precinct, where they chanted and made speeches, the Seattle Times reported.

Guillotine talk

"It is not CHAZ, it is CHOP!" one speaker barked into a megaphone, a reference to the previous acronym of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, which apparently is now known as the Capitol Hill Organized Protest, the paper said.

Then the speaker reminded his comrades of deadly retribution delivered amid a well-known historical revolt.

"Has anybody here ever heard of the French Revolution before?" he asked before noting it began "because people started putting property over lives! They started putting money over people! Does anybody here know what happened to the people who did not get on board with the French Revolution?"

"Chopped!" the crowd shouted back several times.

"That is the message we need to send! We are serious! This is not a joke!" the speaker continued. "I'm tired of seeing my people be genocided by every definition of the word."

Nothing to see here, move along

Despite numerous reports of rapes, robberies, and examples of threatening, lawless behavior inside the autonomous zone, Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and Washington Gov. Jay Inslee — both far-left Democrats — have insisted the protesters are peaceful.

"Peaceful protests are fundamentally American," Inslee tweeted recently, "and I am hopeful there will be a peaceful resolution."

Durkan raved about the autonomous zone's "block party atmosphere" and predicted it could usher in a "Summer of Love."

She also said the area "is not a lawless wasteland of anarchist insurrection — it is a peaceful expression of our community's collective grief and their desire to build a better world."

Anything else?

After the speeches were over Sunday night, the protesters went back to CHOP, the Times reported, adding that one of the protest leaders suggested returning to the West Precinct every day at 6:30 p.m.

As they walked back toward Capitol Hill, they chanted, "No justice, no peace! No racist police!" the paper added.

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Dave Urbanski

Dave Urbanski

Sr. Editor, News

Dave Urbanski is a senior editor for Blaze News.
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