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Seattle police chief denounces 'mob rule' after her armed neighbors confront 'aggressive protesters' targeting her home
Photo: David Ryder/Getty Images

Seattle police chief denounces 'mob rule' after her armed neighbors confront 'aggressive protesters' targeting her home

The neighbors said they felt threatened by the well-coordinated protest mob

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best said her home had been targeted by "aggressive protesters," but her neighbors stopped them from any mischief.

Best revealed the incident when she informed the Seattle City Council in a letter asking them to denounce the "mob rule" of the protesters.

"A residence of mine in Snohomish County was targeted by a large group of aggressive protestors late last night," Best wrote.

"My neighbors were concerned by such a large group, but they were successful in ensuring the crowd was not able to trespass or engage in other illegal behavior in the area, despite repeated attempts to do so," explained Best. "Currently, the local sheriff (not SPD resources) is monitoring the situation."

Best was not in the home at the time of the confrontation.

Social media video

Supporters of the protesters posted video on social media purporting to be from the incident. Some of the counter-protesters identified as Best's neighbors were armed as they persuaded the protesters to leave.

Neighbors in the area spoke to the Lynwood Times and said that there were about 200 mostly white protesters who showed up in dark clothing and with suspicious duffel bags.

The neighbors banded together in order to prevent the protesters from committing any illegal acts, but some were afraid that they would come back.

"They were very organized," one resident whose identity was withheld said. "They had radios, talking to each other. They had numbers they used to decal all their cars for who knows what. So, they were identifying all their vehicles individually by number. They came with a mission…They were out here intimidating us."

"Stand up for what is right"

Best went on in her letter to ask for the council to condemn the intimidation of public officials by protesters.

"I urge both of you, and the entire council, to stand up for what is right. These direct actions against elected officials, and especially civil servants like myself, are out of line with and go against every democratic principle that guides our nation," Best wrote.

"Before this devolves into the new way of doing business by mob rule here in Seattle, and across the nation, elected officials like you must forcefully call for the end of these tactics," she concluded.

She concluded by making a statement in support of peaceful Black Lives Matter demonstrations.

Here's a local news report about the incident:

VIDEO: Protesters target a residence of SPD chiefwww.youtube.com

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.